Energy audit is a tool, which identifies weak spots within the energy chain of a facility. That means such spots in the process of energy production, distribution, accumulation and consumption, where substantial loss or overconsumption occur. However, the work does not end there. Energy audit also tailors actions – measures focused on eliminating those weaknesses. Such measures will improve overall energy performance of the facility. Implementation of those measures brings reduction of energy costs as well as decrease in emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. Energy audit even tells you whether costly measures are going to bring your money back in reasonable time. Expensive action does not automatically mean cost-efficient one. Economic analysis focused on cash-flow, payback period and other important economic indicators clearly shows whether it is more efficient to stay with what you have or to improve the energy chain.
A facility may be represented by an industrial site, a building complex or a standalone building owned by the customer who ordered the energy audit.
Processing of energy audits in our company follows Act no. 321/2014 Coll. on energy efficiency and Decree no. 179/2015 Coll. on energy audit. Our employees are certified energy auditors, legally registered in the List of Energy Auditors held and maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.
According to Act no. 321/2014 Coll., each large enterprise is obligated to have an energy audit performed every 4 years. Based on EU legislation, a large enterprise is such a company, which has 250 and more employees, annual revenue of more than € 50 million, or annual balance of € 43 million and more.